Wednesday, April 11, 2012

April 2, 2012 Highlights

GEA - GSD Negotiations
April 2, 2012

Gloria Lopez served as facilitator until she had to leave. Pat Molina took over as facilitator at that time. Robin Libby served as the recorder.

The District stated they would be unable to offer an early retirement incentive this year. They explored many options, but concluded none were feasible this year. The District expressed its deep regret in being unable to offer an incentive this year.

The District stated it would post negotiation documents separate from its summary of bargaining sessions and other items not expressly part of the formal negotiation sessions. The District also agreed to place a link on its website which would point to GEA's posting of negotiation summaries.

Calendar for the upcoming school year was discussed at length. In the end it was decided that the District would provide 3 calendars to GEA. These calendars would have starting Orientation Day dates of August 24th, 27th and 31st. Information would also be forthcoming regarding the distribution of paychecks, since these calendars would have GEA members working during 11 calendar months. Once the calendars were given to GEA, a survey would be conducted among unit members as to their preference.

There was a discussion regarding GEA's rights in regards to political activity. A decision was made to have the counsel from GEA contact the counsel from GSD to try and agree on the legal rights of the Association. This hastened timeline is necessitated by the political work being done surrounding the Governor's budget proposition.

Future bargaining dates include April 16, 2012 and April 27, 2012.

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