Wednesday, April 11, 2012

March 30, 2012 Highlights

GEA – GSD Negotiation Highlights
March 30, 2012

Genaro Alarcon served as facilitator and Cathie Camacho served as recorder.

GEA followed up on its desire to post its own statement concerning negotiations on the District's website. The District stated that since it was not responsible for the content of GEA's statements, they could not post any statements from GEA on their website. GEA could post their commentary on their own site.

GEA asked whether the parties would be engaging in interest based bargaining since it is in fact the policy of the school board. The District responded we could continue the practice of interest based bargaining. GEA then stated that interest based bargaining usually means information remains confidential until communicated jointly. The District responded that the District has an interest in transparency so they felt placing information regarding bargaining on the District website was appropriate. They also stated they had no intention of removing the information from the website. 

GEA requested that the District make a distinction on its website between items formally presented at the table and opinion pieces such as the "Letter to Parents" and the "Negotiation Summaries." The District thought this would be possible but would have to verify with the Superintendent.

The issue of communication was to be taken up again at the next session.

The District responded to GEA in regards to the effects of certificated layoffs. (available here)

The District proposed a calendar which had students beginning on August 20, 2012. Teachers would report on August 17th for Orientation Day. The calendar lines up with the Alhambra School District Calendar. A link to the calendar is not available at this time.

The next session was set for April 2, 2012.

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